Extensive generative UX research and usability studies in the telecom context

Conducting a large UX research study to provide insights and inspiration for a team of design strategists.

This project was done for Tele2 Russia, a large telecom provider company with over 40 million clients.


Project while working at Lab Wonderfull product design cosultancy. 2016-2017.

My Role:

  • UX Research Team co-Lead
  • Lead UX Researcher
  • Project Manager

UX Research instruments:

  • Semi-structured interviews
  • Usability evaluations of low-fidelity and high-fidelity prototypes
  • “Guerrilla” research in the everyday context
  • Customer Journey Mapping
  • Card sorting
  • Benchmark tests
  • Persona modeling

Volume of UX Research work:

3 months

of extensive generative research with 30+ semi-structured interviews conducted by me from the total of 100 done in the project.


usability evaluation sessions conducted by me in various settings - lab, cafe intercepts, and in the context of user’s everyday activities.

9 months

is the total length of the project, from the first interaction with the client to the delivery of the design guide, design system, and the new designs of two major products. Given the scale of the project and the success we achieved, this is very fast. And UX research was a key component of this success.

The role of UX research:

One of the main goals of the project, and of the UX research as the consequence, was to set the focus on user-centered design to build products that answer actual user scenarios and user needs. The UX research became the foundation of the new user-centered design strategy. This included the formulation of new design principles for all digital products of Tele2 Russia and the composition of a new design guide and design system to be used for all digital products in the company.

After the generative (exploratory) UX research was completed and the design principles and design guide were established, a full redesign of Tele2 Russia’s website and mobile applications commenced. UX research team supported those projects by providing usability evaluations of new solutions, co-creation activities with respondents, and benchmark tests.

Midway through research analysis and synthesis process.
Mind map with key research findings grouped by themes an by user journey's phases (top half). Design principles and Point of View / How Might We statements (bottom half).

Outcomes of the project:

  • The design strategy, design guide, and design system were created based on UX research findings.
  • New website and mobile app designs, based on key user scenarios established during the research and on the new design guide, outperformed old designs and competitors in the benchmarking tests.
  • Thanks to the UX research findings and the comprehensively compiled design guide, it took designers and software engineers only 6 months to fully redesign, code, and publish the new Tele2 Russia website and new Android/iOS versions of the main app for clients. The project received an award from Oracle for the fastest implementation of their infrastructure to a working product.

If you want to learn more about this project, please read an extended version on this page of my portfolio web-site.

More details about the project (in Russian) at this page of Lab Wonderfull's web-site

Testing paper prototypes with random people (guerilla research) in Gorky Park.
One of the design principles (outcomes of the UX research) shown in action, namely the "Gradual increase of information depth". In this example, the principle got put to use when explaining user data usage statistics.
The new approach to the menu is also inspired by our UX research and analysis of solutions from telecom companies around the world.
Showing that new design solves not only user needs, but helps reach business goals as well.