Delivering UX Research work for a city services project

Conducting generative UX research followed by usability testing of prototypes for a new product - a mobile app to help visitors to Moscow in getting memorable and stress-free experiences in the city.

This project was done for Mos.Ru, an ecosystem of products and services curated by the Moscow Government.


Project while working at Lab Wonderfull product design cosultancy. 2016.

My Role:

  • UX Research Team Lead
  • Lead UX Researcher
  • Project manager

UX Research instruments:

  • Semi-structured interviews
  • Contextual inquiries - going through city scenarios together with research participants
  • Customer Journey Mapping
  • “Guerrilla” research - interacting with random respondents in the city context
  • Usability evaluations

Volume of UX Research work:


semi-structured interviews as part of the generative research


iterations of designs, all tested with real users as part of the usability evaluations


guests of Moscow whom we interacted with throughout the project to collect their experiences and receive their feedback to design ideas

The role of UX research:

The generative part of the UX research, which included 10 semi-structured in-person and remote interviews from recent visitors to Moscow, provided the foundational understanding of key challenges in navigating the city and getting the desired or serendipitous experiences.

Based on the uncovering and evaluation of key scenarios during the UX research, the design team provided several concept designs for the new app. The UX research provided usability evaluations of those concepts together with real visitors to Moscow who were found on the streets and attraction locations around the city using the “guerrilla” research approach.

Outcomes of the project:

Although the client did agree with our findings and supported the priorities that we set for the new product, they ultimately did not build a new product team within Mos.Ru to make this app happen. We understood that this was due to internal reasons and we were not provided specific details about that decision. It is sad because, during the 2018 Football World Cup that was held in Russia, visitors to Moscow did not have a comprehensive tool that would assist them in their stay in the city and make their stay even more comfortable. Thankfully, from my direct interaction with many visitors, I realized that their experience of the city was positive thanks to the welcoming by locals and outreach by volunteers.

A free 2-hour guide tour is being offereed to tourists in Moscow. This is the event were we met and interacted with many of hour respondents.
Testing paper prototypes "guerilla" style - selecting random tourists on the streets of Moscow.